About Car Rental Insurance

How do the protections work?
When it comes to renting a vehicle, rental companies offer a range of protections to ensure your peace of mind in all situations.  These protections cov...
Seg, 13 Nov, 2023 na (o) 5:42 PM
What does 'coparticipation' or 'deductible' mean in car rentals?
During the process of booking a vehicle, you may come across the terms 'coparticipation' and 'deductible.' These concepts refer to the amoun...
Seg, 6 Nov, 2023 na (o) 4:14 PM
Are there items not covered by the protections?
Yes! There are damages that are not covered by the protections. It's important to remember that each rental company has its policy, and the items may be...
Ter, 14 Nov, 2023 na (o) 3:30 PM
What is RentalCover?
RentalCover is a partner of Rentcars that offers additional protections to make car rentals even safer. These protections cover a wide range of situations, ...
Qua, 8 Nov, 2023 na (o) 5:41 PM